Plagiarism & A.I.-Writing Detection
What is Turnitin?
SimCheck is APU's plagiarism detection service that identifies potentially plagiarized or improperly cited text. APU has integrated SimCheck within our Canvas instance. The service automatically checks submitted work against an ever-increasing index of online sources.
How does Turnitin work?
SimCheck can consume student in-line submissions and submission files in most common file formats (e.g. pptx, html, docx, pdf, txt, rtf, ppt, doc, odf, etc.). It converts the student submission into plain text and excludes any quoted material from matching. The rest of the text is then compared for exact matches with existing source material. SimCheck uses string matching methods, along with a series of algorithms and scoring processes, to identify matching texts. A final report is presented to the user highlighting different levels or amounts of matching per submission. There is an overview score as well as a side by side comparison of the matching text and sources.
Did you know that Turnitin now includes an AI score?
In addition to the originality score, SimCheck now provides an A.I. score (the percentage of the paper submitted that is potentially written by an A.I.). The AI report can be accessed within the SpeedGrader.
Canvas Instructor
Assignment Setup
Choosing comparison repositories
Customizing the Similarity Report
Setting Similarity Report availability
The Similarity Report
How your students submit to an assignment
Accessing the Similarity Report
Bibliography and quote exclusion definitions
Excluding content from the Similarity Report
Excluding an individual source
Canvas Students
The Similarity Report
Accessing the Similarity Report
Interpreting the similarity score